
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Liebster Blog Awards

Black Smoke over at The Colour of War was kind enough to nominate me for a Liebster blog award, and was even kinder still to say that the reason why was because he enjoyed the All Things Zombies battle reports.  The idea is to promote relatively unknown blogs that you enjoy, so here are the rules:

The Rules
  • Copy and paste the award to your blog, linking it to the blog who nominated you.
  • Pass the award to your top five blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their blog posts to notify them that they have won the award and list them on your own blog.
  • Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you have made someone's day
  • There is no obligation to pass this onto anyone but it is nice if you do.

My Nominees
  • Barking Alien mostly RPG's rather than wargaming, but this guy's Venn diagram of RPG's virtually mirrors my own.  Plus he once created 300 NPC's for a Star Trek game.
  • Blood of Prokopius Easter Orthodox Christianity meets OSR?  Plus Fr. Dave is a member of the clergy.
  • Battle Game of the Month as a pretty serious victim of "Hobby ADD" I can deeply respect a man committed to a project (even if it isn't my scale)
  • Solo Nexus a true disciple of solo wargaming and solo RPG play, plus some truly funny Heroclix-based batreps.  There's some great resources here too.
  • Waystar High Port I'll admit I've been saving his solo Traveller RPG sessions in a document on my computer so I can read them like a novella.
Speaking of battle reports, I'm hoping that I will be running Robb and Irene through the gauntlet on Friday.  If so, there should be a new batrep forthcoming.

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